
Balance Internet

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Delivering high value B2B leads for Australia's largest Magento agency.
Social (Paid)
Search (Paid)
Lead Generation
Our Work
  1. Social (Paid)
  2. Search (Paid)
  3. Lead Generation
  4. Content
What they have to say

“From experience, I know that generating high value B2B leads can be a stressful undertaking but the Design Digital team have managed our campaign to such a professional degree that our team felt reassured within the first week. Their knowledge of the digital landscape is vast, they work extremely hard, and their handling of sharp deadlines was exceptional. 10/10 would recommend.”

– Alex, B2B Customer Success Manager at Balance Internet

Performance Data
  • %

    more online leads

  • %

    more website traffic

  • %

    cheaper leads

<h5>Our Strategy</h5>

Utilising a divide and conquer approach, we attacked Balance Internet’s broad target market by breaking it down into industries and developing digital assets that spoke to the key requirements of each target industry.

We implemented razor sharp search campaigns combined with social lead generation ads across Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram that leveraged quality marketing material to pull customers in at the top of the funnel, then followed up with an automated email nurture to progress leads through their customer journey to a sales ready position.

<h5>Our Strategy</h5>

Looking for ways to generate leads? We do that.

Looking for ways to generate leads? We do that.

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